The Kissing Hand is a story about a raccoon named Chester who is beginning his first year at school. As school in the forest is about to begin, Chester Raccoon does not want to go. To help ease Chester’s fears, his Mom shares a family secret called the Kissing Hand to give him the reassurance of her love any time his world feels a little scary.
As a class, we talked about "First Day Feelings" and how each of the student's felt on their first day of school at Northwood. Here's a list of feelings that the student's described:
- Happy
- Sad
- Scared
- Glad
- Joyful
- Tired
- Excited
- Awesome
- Good
To celebrate our first couple of weeks together as a class, we baked "Kissing Hand" cookies. Judging by the look on all of their faces, I think the cookies were enjoyed by everyone!!!