Our Field Trip to Hillman Marsh

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sorting by Size

We are having fun sorting pumpkins, gourds, leaves 
and pinecones by size at our sensory table.


Working collaboratively to sort puzzle pieces by size (small, medium, big)

We worked together to create Lego towers of different sizes.  We sorted them by size (small, medium, big).

Our youngest learners were excited to practice sorting
by size on the SmartBoard

During Math Circle, students worked together to sort different
classroom objects from smallest to biggest

Fall Fun!!!

Making fall trees with coloured popcorn

Raking leaves in our classroom
Making Fall leaves using black glue, salt and water colours

We went on a Fall scavenger hunt.  We found, red leaves, yellow leaves,
brown leaves, acorns, sticks, bugs and pinecones.


Can you see the squirrel?

We used all of the Fall things we found on our Scavenger Hunt to make nature collages.

Melting beads to make fall sun catchers
Making a class collage using the items we found on our scavenger hunt

Making leaf crowns with the leaves we collected on our fall walk 

Making Indian Corn using orange, brown and yellow paint.
The students used the end of a pencil to make corn prints 
We made fall trees with our hands

Painting with pumpkin scented paint
We made apple cinnamon scented play dough last week and the students also wanted to make yellow play dough. After observing the apples they brought in, they decided they wanted to try mixing the red and yellow play dough to make still life 3D sculptures of different varieties of apples. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Day of Fall

Today we made Pumpkin Scented Cloud Dough

If you would like to make this at home, please click on the following link for the recipe:

Today we made Apple Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies

We created a class survey to find out who liked the cookies and who didn't. As you can see, most of us thought the cookies were delicious!!!

Please click on the following link for the recipe:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sorting by Colour

We have many students in our class who love to build with Lego, so we created a Lego Drop to encourage them to practice sorting by colour.
During our Math circle, students practiced sorting different manipulatives from our Math Centre.

Today we had fun working in groups to build different structures by sorting Lego according to colour. 

"Our group built a castle car that can fly, talk and walk. It can also ride on the ceiling."
"Our group built a robot named Max. When there is an emergency, he throws his head back. He can also talk."
"Our group built a robot named Max. He is not related to the other robot named Max. He talks like beep, beep."
Working together at the light table to use tweezers to sort different coloured buttons. 
Stringing beads is a great way to help build fine-motor coordination. It's also a fun way to practice sorting by colour.